Our UL Classified NFPA 1983/2012 edition life safety ropes have become the most widely used ropes of this type in the country and are the first choice of fire and rescue groups around the world. The synthetic low elongation rope for fire and industrial high-rise rescue was a radical departure from the norm of one inch manila ropes that were in use. In 1975, Blue Water Ropes introduced the first rope intended for Military and Police, and other applications where low visibility is required. After six consecutive generations in textile manufacturing, BlueWater Work Ropes are THE standard in quality, performance and durability for rescue and off-ground work industries. Our modern history began in 1969 when we manufactured the first American-made kernmantle caving rope. Our roots trace back to the family textile business that began manufacturing in Georgia in 1903.

We know what it’s like to work hard and be safe doing it. That’s because BlueWater Ropes is a family-owned business.