Your hater or your girlfriend can easily unlock your mobile phone and still all of your data. On your mobile phone, there may be confidential data or any financial information. You can also use a parental control app to lock your iPhone. From the setting page, you can lock your iPhone folder. When you swipe down the primary setting, you will Discover the app lockers menu. If you want to unlock your folder, double click on the. And your folder will be locked automatically, and nobody will be allowed to see the folder. To confirm your folder lock, type “ y ” and press enter. Step 5: double click the.bat file and a command prompt will appear. bat format to the desired folder, which you have to lock. Step 3: find out “your password” and provide your password inside the quotation. Step 2: Copy the code from the given source. With only five steps, you can lock any folder on your computer. You can lock any folder in Windows 10 without software. If you use BitLocker to improve your PC, you can stop unauthorized access with a password and encryption. you never think that the data and files on Windows 10 are not secure. On the other hand, we already heard Encrypt Files Windows 10. If you think that Windows 10 does not have any password protect folder option, you are not wrong. How to Password Protect a Folder in Windows 10? Unless your password uses, nobody will be able to open it. With the help of password protect folder software, you can lock the entire folder or any individual file. Moreover, each operating system has a default option to lock any folder.

We will also provide a comprehensive list of third-party applications. Today we will discuss some methods to password protect a folder for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone. But since the device and operating systems are different, so you have to use various applications for each of the operating systems and devices. To protect them from unauthorized access, you have to protect a folder with a password. In your computer, laptop, iPhone, Android, iPad, and any other modern Gadgets, many personal files and confidential documents exist. Password Protecting Folders in Windows 7 How to Protect a Folder by Password?